How Credit Repair Works

We have a strict no-fee policy for application fees and upfront holding fees for default and/or court action removals. You only pay after we confirm that a default or court action has been removed and provide you with a cleared credit report. Part of the fee is payable upon receiving written confirmation that the listing will be removed based on our legal grounds, and the remainder when we email you the cleared report. Six-month payment plans are available per removal.

Send an email to a credit repair expert or call us today for a quote at 0481 356554.

How do you get defaults removed?

The Credit Repair Process:

Default: We conduct a thorough investigation with the credit provider who has listed the default on your credit report. We request documents containing notes and other information related to the account leading up to the default listing. Since a default can only be removed if it was listed in error, we meticulously review the documents to identify any errors. If we find an error (e.g., failure to offer financial assistance when needed), we will have the credit provider request the CRB (Equifax, Ilion, or Experian) to remove the listing.

Find out more about your credit report or get a copy first, and then we can discuss the contents and see if you need help clearing any bad marks.

Time-frame: In most cases, default removal takes 4 to 8 weeks. In complex cases, it can take up to 12 weeks. By law, credit providers have 30 days to respond to any request for information. Sometimes, we can have defaults removed in just a few days, depending on the urgency and the responsiveness of the credit providers.

This is something you can try yourself, of course!

Please note: If you cannot afford our fees or are currently experiencing financial hardship, we cannot accept your application. For free tips and tools, visit www.moneysmart.gov.au. Charities like The Salvation Army and Anglicare also offer assistance, or you can call the National Debt Helpline at 1800 007 007.

Be mindful of credit repair scams! Know how credit repair works:

  • Do NOT pay upfront for credit repair unless there is a clear refund policy in place.
  • Do NOT let a credit repair company do a credit check for you (this will put an unwanted enquiry on your report).
  • Do NOT use a credit repair company with no office or ‘real people’. There are some great websites that are designed to suck you in to paying money upfront but are based overseas or are set up by people with no experience.
  • Do NOT sign any online forms or do any verbal authorities over the phone. This can mean that the bogus credit repair company has taken your details, has got you into some sort of contractual agreement or may be able to chase you for money.
  • Do NOT use a credit repair company who has no track record or history within the Australian market.
  • DO send us an email to discuss your credit report needs FOR FREE!!